Abstract: There is a need for enhancing the randomness in modern cryptographic systems. True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) play a very important role in modern cryptographic systems. True Random Number generator (TRNG) circuit utilizes tunability feature for determining the degree of randomness. Random number generators will be required to protect the medical, financial and personal data of entities connected to the networks. A digital true random number generator that can be synthesized using standard digital tools will enable designers to address these privacy concerns more efficiently. To provide advanced clocking capabilities, Digital Clock Managers (DCMs) is used. The DCM modules allow greater designer control over the clock waveforms, and their usage eliminates the need for initial calibration.The well equidistributed long-period linear (WELL) is used to fix poor initialization and take less time to recover from zero-excess initial state.This systems creates randomness with high authentication.
Keywords: Tunable Random Number Generator (TRNG), Digital Clock Manager (DCM), Well equidistributed long-period linear (WELL).